48 Seddon Street
Rangiora 7400
p: 03 313 8552
e:  admin@ashgrove.school.nz

Board of Trustees

Kia ora, haere mai

Welcome to our school.

As the recently appointed Chairperson, I am incredibly excited about the role and what the future looks like for our fantastic school and community.  My son Kayden attends Ashgrove and so did I as a child.  My eldest Alana, now attends Rangiora High School after attending Tūtira  Ashgrove School during her primary school years.

Board of Trustees

Steven Benney

Steven Benney

Jason King

Jason King

David Hopkins

David Hopkins

Chris Hawes

Chris Hawes

Mel Eaton

Mel Eaton

Gerard Christie

Gerard Christie

Leon Van't Veen

Leon Van't Veen

Andrea Woolford

Andrea Woolford
Staff Trustee

Elizabeth Shand

Mrs Elizabeth Shand
Minutes Secretary

The Tūtira  Ashgrove School Board of Trustees were elected through the triennial elections.  Other trustees may have been co-opted on to the Board for their specialist skills or elected to the Board by selection due to a Trustee resigning.  The Ashgrove Board of Trustees comprises six parent trustees and two school trustees, one being the Principal and the other a staff trustee.   A Board Secretary also collates meeting agendas and minutes the Board meetings.  If you are interested in what your Board does, please feel welcome to attend any of our meetings.  All minutes from our meetings are on the notice board of the school administration block.

Parent trustees have delegated portfolios of Property, Treasurer, Health & Safety, Communications, oversight and approval of the RASPs process and Personnel.  We have overall responsibility for the governance of the school.  The Board sets and reviews policies which guide the Principal and staff in developing procedures for the development of our children and the administration of the school.  As a Board, we are responsible for seven key work areas, which are:

  • development and ongoing review of the school charter
  • monitoring and reviewing the school's progress
  • putting in place a policy framework
  • employing the Principal
  • managing assets
  • ensuring your school's legal compliance
  • implementing the National Education Guidelines.

A Board key focus is the success of our children first and foremost.  As a Board, we monitor their achievements and ensure that each of our children has the necessary support to be successful.   

Having the Allenvale School Satellite Unit within Tūtira  Ashgrove School brings a richness and inclusive nature that our community represents and it is wonderful to see the students from both schools continue to learn and grow from one another.

Our gratitude as always goes to all of our staff who work tirelessly throughout the year for our children.  Their ongoing development and sharing of ideas model the strong values of our school.

If you wish to view or consult any of the school policies, please go to our School Docs site.  The username and password are ashgrove.

If you are a parent of a prospective student, I welcome you to visit our school to see what Ashgrove has to offer.

'Poipoia te kakano, Kia puawai'
Nuture the seed, and it will blossom

Steven Benney
Chairperson, Tūtira  Ashgrove School Board of Trustees