48 Seddon Street
Rangiora 7400
p: 03 313 8552
e:  admin@ashgrove.school.nz

Enrolling with us

We love welcoming new members to our Ashgrove whānau.  We consider it an honour and privilege to be entrusted with the education of your tamariki and can't wait to show you and your whānau around our special kura.

If you are new to our school whānau, we would like to extend a warm kia ora.   

We welcome applications from tamariki who live in our school zone.     

If your tamaiti/child is about to start school for the first time soon, please do not complete the enrolment form and instead refer to our Starting as a New Entrant page for all the information you need. 

Currently, we are not taking out of zone enrolments.    

Please contact us to come and have a look around at any time.

To enrol your tamaiti with us, you will need to:

  • Complete an enrolment form online 
  • Provide proof of address in zone (e.g., power bill, rental/sales agreement, current rates bill)
  • A copy of your child's immunisation certificate
  • Complete a Year 0-4 Digital User Agreement or a Year 5-8 Digital User Agreement for your tamaiti
  • Complete a Strengths Profile for your tamaiti
  • Complete a BYOD / Smartwatch / Cellphone User Agreement if applicable

Parents/caregivers of new entrant children need to bring the original of one of the following documents to school:

  • NZ birth certificate or NZ passport (if NZ citizen) for new entrants only
  • Australian passport (if Australian citizen) or
  • NZ residency permit or NZ student visa/permit and Parental work permit (if the child is not a NZ citizen)

Associated documents can be:

  • posted to Tūtira  Ashgrove School, 48 Seddon Street, Rangiora 7400
  • emailed to angipook@ashgrove.school.nz
  • dropped off at the Tūtira  Ashgrove School office, 48 Seddon Street, Rangiora 

Once we've received your enrolment form, one of our senior leadership team will be in touch to meet with you and your tamaiti.

Ka kite wawe koe